Thursday, August 9, 2007


Just a reminder that the NZFDIC AGM will be held in Christchurch on Monday 17th September. Anyone wishing to attend should contact Carol for a Registration Form.

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Qualifications Alert

Just a reminder that the Standards Setting Team have signed off the finalized qualification and Careerforce is sending the new National Certificate in Disability Information Provision to the New Zealand Qualifications Authority for registration.
Our next step is to begin to develop the learning resources for this qualification. Thank you to the Standards Setting Team for all the hard work in getting the qualification to this stage. We believe that this qualification will be available in early 2008.

WEKA Update

Just a quick update on where we are at with the WEKA redevelopment. A formal proposal has gone into the Ministry of Health for the redevelopment of the WEKA website. We have put this redevelopment to Tender and shortlisted a successful candidate.
As soon as we have confirmation of funding from the Ministry of Health, then the redevelopment will begin. It is important to note that the current WEKA website will remain live throughout this process, but we will be making contact with a number of you to help us test the new version of WEKA. There is also more work to come on service agreements for the provision of information into the WEKA website from Member Centre. We need to make sure that we are constantly feeding updated information into WEKA to keep the site live and active. We promise to keep you posted on developments.

ASD Meetings

LIFE Unlimited and Parent to Parent New Zealand in joint partnership, have been contracted by the Ministry of Health to provide a new national information and advisory service for people with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and their families/whanau.
The service will offer information and support:
· Written information on ASD, support groups and services
· Contact with a Support Parent whose child also has ASD
· Advisors/field workers providing ASD information and advice
· Clinical & evidence based advice on interventions/therapies
· Web Site listing ASD service providers
· Community network meetings

The Service will be “live” on 1st October 2007.

During July and August, Adri Isbister (CEO of LIFE Unlimited) and Anne Wilkinson (CEO of Parent to Parent) will be travelling around New Zealand to introduce the service and to receive suggestions and feedback. They will also be asking for ideas of a name for the new service. 25 meetings in 16 locations have been planned. The New Zealand Federation of Disability Information Centres is assisting with the coordination of these meetings which will be held mostly in Federation Centres. For more Information contact:

Life Unlimited
Po Box 146
Phone 0800 008011

Parent to Parent New Zealand Inc
Po Box 234
WAIKATO Mail Centre
Phone 0508 236236


One of the benefits of being a principal member of the NZFDIC, is that you are supplied with access to Fund View. This includes access to the database (currently via CD), updates of the database during the subscription period, automatic expiry, on-line manual, HelpDesk service and the quarterly newsletter.

Currently, we post out to all principal members the CD whenever it is updated (this is at least once a year). Moving with the times, the Funding Information Service has enabled the updates to occur online. This would provide several benefits including centres accessing the updates as soon as they are ready rather than waiting for the update to be posted out. The Federation would save time and costs associated with posting these out. All that is needed to do this is an internet connection, a user code and a password. There does need to be a measure of security around this – the Exec will discuss this aspect in more dept and get back to you around the processes that can be used to support centres around this security.

Can all principal member centres please advise Vicki Coddington by 31 August, whether you are interested in accessing this service on-line.

For those who still want to access Fund View via CD, this will be available at the AGM.

National Training Conference

Our annual training conference in Palmerston North this year is fast fading into a fond memory. The CD’s of conference notes and other goodies will be on their way to you soon. Have a look at some of the photos taken during the conference by going to: - you never know who you might spot there! If anyone else has any evidence of the good times had by all (some more than others!) please feel free to email them to me to upload to the site.

Now we need to think about 2008. The good news is that next year’s Training Conference will once again be held in Queenstown. For all of you people who missed out in 2006, now is the time to plan your strategy to persuade your boss that YOU should be the one to attend!

We are calling for ideas for content, and for proposals from people who would be interested in presenting or assisting in some way. We know that many of you are born entertainers, so get your thinking caps on, drag your light out from under that bushel and tell us what you can do to make TC 2008 a resounding success!

Email: Carol with your thoughts. (I keep notes on everyone who does NOT respond to my requests!)

Maori Action Plan

Mariana Gordon, Coromandel, Barry Kiware, Life Unlimited, Hare Arapere Enable NZ and Janet Dougerty, People First, have indicated their interest in being part of the Maori Action plan development. A successful roll out will be reliant on funding support from the Disability Services Directorate. We'll keep you all posted.

Carer's Consultation Strategy Launch

The Carers Consultation Strategy was launched in Wellington on the 23rd July. The Honorable Ruth Dyson was present to officially launch the consultation period which will run from 23 July to 14 September, 2007.

There are meetings planned throughout the country to provide opportunities to partake in the consultation. For more information about this and also the opportunity to provide your feedback, look online at Families can also have a say in the Strategy simply by sending their thoughts, pictures, and/or comments by email to:

From Acting President of the Federation

Kia Ora Koutou Katoa
I hope this newsletter finds you all in good spirits. I am writing this as Acting President of the Federation, a position I will hold until the AGM where the elected President will fill the position vacated by Sarah Travaglia. Sarah stood down recently to begin maternity leave. She and husband Julian are awaiting the arrival of twins. We wish you both all the best.

On behalf of the Federation Executive I would like to thank Seastarr Management for their tremendous work over the past 3 years. The Federation is in a much better position now with new contracts and an expanding membership. This situation is largely thanks to the skills and Mana Carol brought with her to the position of Executive Officer.

Over the next twelve months the Executive will roll out its new strategic plan which targets new recognised qualifications for Information Officers, Toitu and the development of a Maori and Pacific Island action plan, and a new and improved WEKA platform. We will also look to a benchmark for salaries as a prelude to the recognised qualifications and organize the next conference which will be held in the South Island next year.

The majority of our work will be contracted out to Federation centres while most projects will include representation from member centres.
Carol and her team will still be available for special projects and for consultation by the executive.
I hope to see you at the AGM which is on the 17th September in Christchurch.
Enjoy the Newsletter.

Naku Noa Na
Noel Matthews Acting President.

Goodbye from Seastarr...

This will be the last newsletter with input from the SeaStarr Team. We will be leaving you all on 18 August.
On behalf of the Team I would like to thank you for your company over the last two years and seven months. It has been great working for you and we wish you all the best for the future.

The Annual General Meeting arrangements will continue with Carol Wood receiving your registrations and arranging for your travel. Don’t forget to send in your nominations for the Executive. They can be sent directly to Carol Wood. As Carol is not standing for office, there is no conflict of interest in her receiving the nominations.

Those of you who are intending to stand for one of the positions on the Executive should also send a couple of paragraphs introducing yourself to the Members.

Maureen has sent out the Conference information for your viewing.

I am sure that our paths will cross again at some time in the future so until that time, take care and continue to deliver great services to people with disabilities and their families.


Carol, Maureen and Janette

Welcome to the new Federation Blog!

Moving right along with technology, the Federation now has it's own Blog. This will be a useful tool for keeping all of our Members, and others with an interest in disability information, up-to-date with what is happening. Please feel free to comment on any of the posts you find here. If you have any news you would like featured in this blog then please let one of the Exec know. If you want to set up a blog for your Centre and need assistance to do this you can contact Carol Wood at Southland DRC. OK... Let's get blogging!